Dragon Age Inquisition Walkthrough
This is Prima's in-depth and free walkthrough for Dragon Age: Inquisition, a role-playing game created by Bioware. Publisher Electronic Arts released this RPG in North America on November 18, 2014 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Inquisition contains hundreds of side quests and multiple quest paths for fans to complete at their leisure. The different ways players respond to critical events will change the outcome of their adventures. They choose which characters join their parties and send others to jail. In addition, loot players grab from chests is different depending on the class and choices they made beforehand.
The open-ended gameplay of Inquisition makes the process of writing a complete walkthrough a bit more daunting. This walkthrough follows our initial play through and the choices we made. It focuses on the main quest line to get you through the game as quickly as possible. In the future, we will add some of the more difficult side quests and hidden items, as well as various tips articles providing strategy for all classes and play styles.
EA released the Dragon Age Inquisition Game of the Year Edition on October 6, 2015. If this is your first time playing the adventure, our core game walkthrough is sectioned off to make it easy to navigate. Look for the name of the main quest you're on and jump straight to that page to get the advice you're looking for.
Class Features
Dragon Age Inquisition: How to Play as a Warrior
Become a proper sword and shield tank or pick up your two-handed weapon and cut through opponents!
Jan 19, 2015 Dragon Age Inquisition - The Wrath of Heaven, Forward Camp, Pride Demon, Elfroot Our Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough begins with a guide.
Dragon Age Inquisition: How to Play as a Rogue
Kill enemies from range with the Archery skill, or attack from behind with Double Daggers!
Dragon Age Inquisition: How to Play as a Mage
Learn how to use the Barrier Spell, and save the party with Chain Lightning and Flash Fire!
Dragon Age Inquisition: Rifts, War Council, Status Effects
Find out how to quickly close rifts, setup a good party, understand status effects and earn rewards from the war council.
Main Quests
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Wrath of Heaven
Make your way through the beginning of the game and beat the Pride Demon along the way!
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Threat Remains
Travel to the Hinterlands and Val Royeaux to decide if you want to ally with the Templars or the mages.
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Captain of the Chargers
Explore the Storm Coast and Ghislain Estate to add Iron Bull and Vivienne to your party, then battle against the boss, Alexius!
Dragon Age Inquisition - In Your Heart Shall Burn
Find out how to reach Skyhold, your new base, then travel to the Hinterlands to add Blackwell to your party.
Dragon Age Inquisition - From the Ashes
Venture to Crestwood to find the warden, then battle the Highwayman Chief to claim a new sub-base.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Investigate the Western Approach
Head to the Western Approach to meet Hawke and Stroud, then figure out the Venatori message.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Here Lies the Abyss
Find Warden-Commander Clarel, then head into the Fade to beat the Aspect of Nightmare boss.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Head to the Winter Palace, find the storage key and Halla Statues, then beat the Grand Duchess boss.
Dragon Age Inquisition - What Pride Had Wrought
Make your way to the Temple of Mythal, solve the puzzles within, then beat Samson!
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Final Piece and Doom Upon All the World
Head to the Altar of Mythal to power up, then beat Corypheus and the Red Lyrium Dragon in the final boss battle.
Side Quests
Dragon Age Inquisition - High Dragon
How to kill the 10 High Dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition, including the Vinsomer, Abyssal High Dragon and Sandy Howler.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Inner Circle Side Quests, Romance Guide
Romance Cassandra, Dorian or Iron Bull, and add Cole and Blackwall to your party!
Dragon Age Inquisition - Haven
Craft and modify armor, help Adan and equip a potion to complete the side quests in Haven!
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Hinterlands
Complete every quest in the Hinterlands, including the Mercenary Fortress and Valammar.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Val Royeaux
Add Sera and Vivienne to your party in Val Royeaux and the Ghislain Estate!
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Fallow Mire
Gain 10 power levels as you complete all of the side quests in Fallow Mire!
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Storm Coast
Earn eight power levels and discover a location that leads to one of the High Dragons!
How your characters look depends on the gear they wear, because equipment changes are reflected in their clothing and weapons they hold.The encounters with enemies my look a bit boring to players used to action combat, as this is a traditional point-and-click combat system. Toram online apk. Every major area is unique, they feature vibrant and colorful environments, and the characters and monsters are well-detailed, too.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Forbidden Oasis
Collect as many shards as possible to clear the Temple of Pride and the Pride Demon within.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Skyhold
Add Dagna to Skyhold and upgrade your new base of operations!
Dragon Age Inquisition - Crestwood
Claim the Caer Bronach Keep as you defeat Rage Demons and clear the Flooded Caves!
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Western Approach
Complete all of Frederic's quests and secure the Griffon Wing Keep in the Western Approach.
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Exalted Plains
Liberate Victory Rose and the Citadelle du Corbeau and gain favor with the Dalish so Loranil joins the Inquisition.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Emerald Graves
Take down Sister Costeau, Duhaime, and explore Din’an Hanin, the Knight's Tomb!
Dragon Age Inquisition - Emprise du Lion
Capture Suledin Keep, kill or make a deal with Imshael, and pass judgment on Mistress Poulin.
Dragon Age Inquisition - The Hissing Wastes
Solve the veilfire torch puzzles at each tomb to find the Tomb of Fairel!
Tips for Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition
- There are many main quests which require power level points. You cannot continue the main quest line until you acquire the specified number of power level points. Completing side quests almost always raises your power level. Pick up any side quests you come across so you can avoid grinding side quests later on when you want to continue the main quest line.
- Use the scan feature (L3 on controllers) to search the immediate area for loot. If you hear a special sound effect, there's loot nearby that will be outlined with a yellow glow.
- Adjust how often your party members use potions and abilities and which abilities take priority over others using the Character Record section of the pause menu.
- Characters receive experience and level up even if they're not an active member of your party. This means you can switch party members at any time without having to worry about the new party member being under-leveled.
- If your inventory is full, you can still pick up stackable items if you already have at least one in your inventory. However, this only works if you select the items from the loot menu individually. If you select the 'Take All' option it will say your inventory is full and you won't be able to collect the loot.
- While there are ways to hold more potions, your entire party pulls from the same potion inventory (which starts at eight). Use your potions wisely or go back to camp sites frequently to refill.
- There are no direct healing spells in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Instead, mages can acquire barrier spells that essentially give characters armor. Use this frequently to keep your party in good health.
- During down time at Haven and your other bases, you can speak to various members of the Inquisition (including your party members) and develop intimate relationships based on your dialogue choices. Symbols will occasionally appear during dialogue to indicate your emotion. Select the heart symbol response to cultivate the relationship.
- Use the Quest Map or fast travel points to quickly move throughout the local area or the entire region.
- When upgrading weapons and armor, you can add or remove custom items such as hafts or grips that add bonus stats. If you get new armor, remove the items from your old armor to place on the new gear before you sell it. However, you cannot remove runes. Once a rune is placed it is permanent.
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As soon as the opening cinematic has finished, choose your preferred dialogue option when you get the chance to do so. When you have control of your character, go along the path and then pass through the gate at the end when you come to it.
Keep heading down the path on your left to start a new cut-scene. When you come under attack, assist Cassandra and then choose your next conversation option. The Wrath of HeavenKeep heading down the path and grab the loot from the dead soldier a little further along. Keep working your way through here, then jump down to your left when you're ambushed by a pair of Lesser Shades. Kill them, then go left to find more loot and an Elfroot towards the end of this path.Now head along the path in the opposite direction and kill the Lesser Shade you come to. When it's dead, go up the hill on your left and beat the Wrath waiting for you.
Once you've killed it, make your way back down towards the lower section, then head towards the furthest end to get more loot and another Elfroot for your collection. You'll need to fight another pair of Wraiths and a new Lesser Shade on your way there.To your right is another pack of enemies. Kill them all, then go all the way down this section until you find another Elfroot. Do a 180 and go up the stairs over to your right. At the top, take the left-hand path at the fork, then kill the enemies up ahead to start another cinematic. Forward CampCarry on along the path until you come to a new pack of opponents - a Lesser Shade, two Wraiths and a Greater Shade. Use a ranged class to pick off the Wraiths, while having Cassandra concentrate on the Greater Shade.
You yourself should get stuck into the Lesser Shade, before switching your attention to the Wraiths when it's dead. Eventually the Greater Shade should be the only creature standing - focus everyone on this enemy until it's dead.Check the area all around you for more Elfroot, then get down onto the frozen river and veer left where you'll find even more loot. As soon as you come to the campsite down the left-hand path, kill the Shades and then grab the items by the fire. Go back to the house you were at a moment ago, climb the stairs, then kill the Shades and Wraiths up-top. Go up the hill and follow the path to even more enemies, kill then, then investigate the rift.Go through the gate in front of you and make sure you top up your potions using the supply cache.
Have a rummage around in the chest to the right of the bridge and take all the loot, then go towards the middle of the bridge. A cut-scene begins, and you just need to work your way through the dialogue options. We chose to take the mountain path for the purposes of this walkthrough.Go up the ladder that's right in front of you, then take a left when you reach the top. Kill the Shades up ahead, then go up the next set of stairs and go around the corner on your right.
Pick up all the loot on the floor and in the chest of the first room that's on your right.In the cloudy section ahead of you, look right to get more loot, then go upstairs to kill the pair of Wraiths and the Shade. Take the loot from the area over on your left, then go up the stairs on your right. Kill the Wraiths and Shades, then make sure you seal up the rift.Another cut-scene will start. When it's over, take the loot by your feet then go down the path over on your right.
Make your way down the nearby ladders, then head towards the objective waypoint. Make your way through the opening here, then grab the nearby loot. Go downstairs and then make your way around the corner to start a new cut-scene.When it's finished, take a right and keep following the path.
Go down the stairs when you reach them, then jump down by the rift to start a new cinematic and fight your first boss. Pride Demon. HP: 13,821. Perceptive.
Immune to Asleep, Frozen, Paralyzed, Physical Effects. Electricity ResistanceThe most important thing to remember during this fight with the Pride Demon is to ensure the main character keeps interacting with the rift. Keep in mind that the Pride Demon can't be damaged while its health bar is grey, which will happen at the very start of the fight, and occasionally throughout the encounter.As soon as this happens, make sure you interact with the rift.
This will stun the creature, and let you do damage to it once more. Make sure you're not positioned in front of the enemy either, as it shoots out a lightning attack that can cause you a real headache. Whenever minions show up to assist the boss, ignore them - unless they're actually targeting your character while you're tinkering with the rift.You can find the rest of our from the first page of this article.