Eldevin Reputation
In addition, to rank up faster, you also need multiple Reputation Points as they dictates how many rep points you get in a race. Therefore, below. Trapper's Atoll is an island off the West coast of Eldevin Kingdom. It can be accessed at level 14 from the Harbor district of Eldevin City, by talking to the Wildlands Veteran at the Docks. After arriving, enter the Portal to enter the PvP-Area. The island is a player-vs-player area.
2020: This page was checked for patch 8.3 and no updates were necessary. 26 Dec. 2019: Reorganized the guide in 7 different pages. 24 Aug. 2019: Updated Horde races. 16 Aug.
2019: Updated Alliance races. 06 Jul. 2019: Updated Guide for Patch 8.2. Added Azerite Essence section.
Added Major and Minor Essences sections. Updated Azerite Traits section. Updated Gear section. Updated Talent Table. Updated Tier 7 regular talent. Updated PvP talents section.
Updated Burst and Sustained damage rotations. 27 May 2019: Made several changes to the guide. Updated Azerite Traits. Updated Gear section. Updated Defensive section.
27 Apr. 2019: Updated PvP Talents. 14 Mar.
2019: No major changes needed for Patch 8.1.5. 27 Jan. 2019: Updated Gear Recommendations section and Item Recommendations. 13 Dec. 2018: Updated Azerite traits section.

12 Dec. 2018: No major changes needed for Patch 8.1. 19 Nov. 2018: Added Gear Recommendations section. 08 Oct. 2018: Added talent table and updated recommended tier 4 regular talent. 02 Oct.
2018: Revamped guide. Removed Artifact Traits, Relics, PvP Gear and War Mode sections. Added Stat Priority and Azerite trait sections.
27 Aug. 2018: Updated Air Drops section.
21 Jul. 2018: Updated Tier 4, 6, and 7 regular talents. Updated recommended PvP talents. Updated Racial Bonuses section. Added Shatter Combinations section. Updated Burst and Sustained damage sections. 20 Jul.
2018: Updated Tier 5 regular talent. Changed recommended Horde race. 18 Jul. 2018: Updated Frost Mage PvP for Patch 8.0.1.