Full Spectrum Warrior 3

Full Spectrum Warrior is based on a real-time squad-based strategy game commissioned by the U.S. Army to train light Infantry troops in urban combat situations. Soldiers are placed in a tense, hostile, and claustrophobic environment where they must complete a variety of military objectives. Welcome to the Full Spectrum Warrior wiki guide. 'Make love not war.' Whoever said that must have won 16 'Wuss of the Year' awards and pinned them to his pastel-colored flower-print sissy vest.

Full Spectrum Warrior Walkthrough GamesRadar+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-FULL SPECTRUM WARRIOR^^^^ WalkthroughAn xunhallowed productionComing soon to an XBOX(c) near you.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=UPDATESDecember 23, 2006: Started guide.April 15, 2007: Version.33 released. Finally resumed guide, if only for thesole purpose of the $25 bounty. Chapters 1-4 complete.

Also working on my Gearsof War guide, so I'm quite busy right now. Apparently, this guide has been muchawaited for, so here you are.April 19, 2007: Version.45 released. Includes Chapters 1-5. Still working onthe rest.April 28, 2007: Version.54 released. Completed Chapter 6. The final chaptersare the longest and the hardest, so it'll be a while before I finish.May 5, 2007: Version.63 released.

Completed Chapter 7. That was easier than Iremembered it. Four chapters remain.May 30, 2007: Version.80 released. Chapters 1-9 are now officially complete.The FAQ Bounty date is approaching, so this will definitely be complete byJuly.June 9th, 2007: Guide officially 100% complete. All chapters are finished.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Table of Contents-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Not a big guide, but use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for.Enter the number of the section you want.1. Getting Started.(02)3. Full Walkthrough.(04)I.

Chapter 1.(05)II. Chapter 2.(06)III. Chapter 3.(07)IV. Chapter 4.(08)V.

Chapter 5.(09)VI. Chapter 6.(10)VII. Chapter 7.(11)VIII. Chapter 8.(12)IX. Chapter 9.(13)X.

Chapter 10.(14)XI. Chapter 11.(15)5. Introduction (01)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Welcome to my Full Spectrum Warrior walkthrough. This is the only walkthroughfor Full Spectrum Warrior out there, besides a few I've seen that you have topay for.

So this is the only FREE Full Spectrum Warrior walkthrough that I knowof.I decided to write this because I have just beaten the game, after years ofhaving it, and only a few hours of gameplay. Originally, I couldn't even beatthe second level. About 6 months later, I got up to the 6th one. Now, about ayear after that, I have finally beaten the game! God, it was annoying.

NOGUIDES TO HELP ME.I got killed about a total of 30 times. =(This game is very challenging, so don't give up like I did. I learned aboutsome techniques that are helpful, and made up some of my own.

Getting Started (02)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Do the MOUT Training course. Just for reference, here are the controls:Left Analog Stick - Activates Soldier Movement Cursor/Aim GrenadeRight Analog Stick - Camera ControlD-Pad - Select Individual Soldiers/Select GrenadesA Button - Issue Command/Rush Order/Bound Order/Point Fire/Suppression FireX Button - Toggle Firing Cursor/Toggle Grenades/Request ReconY Button - Switch Fire Teams/HelpB Button - Cancel Command/Seek Cover/Exit GPSWhite Button - Hints/Call in/ObjectiveBlack button - GPSLeft Trigger - Camera ZoomRight Trigger - Activate Fog of WarStart Button - Menu/Pause GameAfter you get the controls down, proceed. Practice though.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=3. Techniques (03)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Here are some good techniques to use in combat, and there are a few of thesethat are almost vital, and I will put a.

next to them.Suppression Run - My favourite. Order suppression fire on the enemy, then runto a new piece of cover.

Use this when you need to get from one place toanother and there is a hostile in your way. You will use this technique themost.Smoke and Frag - VERY VERY risky. I've mastered it, but I created it, so duh.Anyways, if you're facing several enemies at once, throw a smoke grenade sothat they can't see you, then get close enough to throw a frag grenade atthem. Throw it, and quickly take cover before the smoke clears. Only used whenthere's no cover or any vantage point from which to kill.Flanking - Engage an enemy with one team, then come from behind with anotherteam and kill the enemy.Hold Point Fire - If you know an enemy is going to appear in your field ofview, order point fire on where the enemy is coming from. When the enemyappears, he will be shot down.There's really not much more. Let's begin.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=4.

Full Walkthrough (04)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(05)=-=-=-=-=Chapter 1-=-=-=-=-Difficulty:.Very Easy.Easy.Hard.At the start, you'll be controlling Alpha. Move to where Bravo is, and to theblue marker. See the red circle?

It heals people. It's called a CASEVAC. Bringfallen soldiers here. Your new objective is to carry a wounded driverto the CASEVAC. Move to the blue dot, and aid him. Your team shouldautomatically shoot the enemy that comes. Bring him back to the CASEVAC.

Afterthe scene, go into the new circle that appears. It's a save point. Switch toBravo and bring them to it as well. That's how you save.

After you've saved,move to the left this time, not the right where the driver was. Take coverbehind the boxes.

You should encounter an enemy. Order suppression fire on himby tapping X, then holding A with the enemy inside the circle. After a fewseconds of him not shooting, move behind the next car you see to your right, apickup. Order a fire sector on the enemy, and he'll go down fast. Move on,taking cover behind the corner of the garage.

Another enemy. Switch toAlpha. Move Alpha past the pickup you used earlier, and order them to takecover behind the far corner of the garage, diagonally opposite Bravo. The enemywill run. Follow where he went, but he won't be there.

Take cover next to thearch, then report in. A terrorist should run. Move Alpha behind the rubble.Switch to Bravo and move them where you just had Alpha. Report in, then use thesave point. Move Alpha behind the corner of the building directly in front ofyou.

Next, move behind the pickup, and you'll be taking fire. Another enemy.Move Bravo behind the rubble. Next, suppression run with Alpha behind the wallnext to the dumpster.

Suppression run is using suppressive fire, then runningto where you wanna go with the same fire team. Don't go behind the pickup here,it's dead. Move Bravo behind the GOOD pickup.

Now, make sure the enemy isfiring at Alpha, then move Bravo behind the building, so that they're oppositeAlpha. Move them away from Alpha, to the right corner.

Move behind the wallright of the bath tub. After the random guy dies, move behind the table infront of the bath tub and quickly order a fire sector on the enemy to yourright before the table is destroyed. Move left behind a building, and youshould have a clear shot of the enemy behind the dumpster. Order a fire sectoron him, and he's gone.Another one will come, and Bravo will automatically kill this one as well. MoveAlpha forward along the side of the wall they're on, then move to the nextcorner when the building corners again. Have Bravo move past the dumpster, tothe right, and into the top right alley (NOT THE ONE ALPHA'S IN!) Move forward,staying behind a fence. Kill the two enemies.

Move to the objective with Bravo,then watch the scene. Tiny tower for pc. Move both teams into the save point, save, then head backto where that tank you saw earlier was before, right by where you firstentered.

You'll see the tank again. Take cover behind the building next to it,and you'll see an enemy on your right run away.

Move past the tankto an alley forward and to the right of the tank. Look around the corner tosee two enemies. Order a fire sector to kill the left one. Now, move past thealley, ignoring the other enemy. Take cover behind the blue car.

Useyour grenade launcher to kill him. Or, if you're dry, head behind the stands,and keep moving to the left until you're at a wall.

Now, move forward until youare behind a metal thing. From here, use all of your smoke grenades(throw themright in front of the corner of the building), then take cover behind thecorner of the building.

Run past the machine gunner(he can't see you), thenorder a fire sector on where he is. When he appears, he'll be standing. When hesees you, he'll be dead.Mission Success.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=CHAPTER 1 COMPLETE!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(06)=-=-=-=-=Chapter 2-=-=-=-=-Difficulty:.With Alpha, move behind the blue car in this area. You'll see a lot of enemies.Two should come running at you. Order a fire sector on them.

After they'redead, move behind the dumpster. Use your grenade launcher to shoot the guybehind the car. Move to the red car. Now report in. See the alley behind youand to the left?

Now go to the savepoint. Move Bravo to the savepointcarefully. There is still one enemy there. Now, after you've saved, switch toAlpha. DO NOT MOVE TO THE OBJECTIVE YET. Move behind the first box in front ofyou, and you'll see an enemy.

Order suppression fire, then move to the leftbox. The enemy will now be out of cover. Order a point fire sector on him, andhe'll go down. Wait for another enemy to appear, then order a point fire sectoron him. His cover will degrade eventually, so just wait. Once his cover isgone, your team will automatically shoot and kill him.

Move behind the bluecar, you're expecting fire from your right. The enemy will be out of cover, sojust order point fire on him.Proceed onward, to where the enemy you just killed was.

Go to the save pointwith Alpha and Bravo, and save. Make sure you've passed through the blueobjective marker, so that a new one appears. After you've saved, move behindthe right corner of the building with Alpha. Report in, then move behind thered car.

In front of you, you should see a corner of a building, then a bluething sticking out of it. Take cover behind it. The RPG should move behind acar. Shoot the car with your grenade launcher.

Immediately order point fire onthe middle of the area, because the huge blast won't kill him. He should bebrought down fast. Now quickly move behind the front bumper side ofthe red car.

An enemy will appear. Order a point fire sector on him, and he'llgo down.Eventually, a truck will come. Watch the scene. Now, move Alpha into the redcircle to restock on ammo. Move Bravo to where Alpha is. Now bound towards theblue marker with Bravo, facing East. An enemy will come.

He'll run, then he'lldie. Now move Bravo forward, then to the savepoint. Switch to Alpha and movethem there too. Now move Alpha behind the wall by the opening onthe right wall. From here, move into this area, and you'll get a scene. MoveBravo behind the wall in front of them, a little to the left. Switch to Alphaand move them right, from cover to cover.

When you're pinned down, use a smokegrenade. When you're at the last cover point, wait. Eventually, a tank willcome, and when it does, it will destroy your targets.Mission Success.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=CHAPTER 2 COMPLETE!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(07)=-=-=-=-=Chapter 3-=-=-=-=-Difficulty:.Move Alpha behind the corner of the building to your left.

You'll instantlysee an enemy. However, the enemy is firing at other soldiers, so move behindthe car in front of you. The enemy should now be firing at you.

Switch toBravo and move them where Alpha was before, behind the building. Order pointfire with Alpha, then move Bravo behind the sandbags.

You will now see asecond enemy. Cease fire with Alpha, then move Bravo behind the back bumperof the car to your left, then move behind the small wall next to the pickup toyour left. Two enemies will appear. Order point fire on both enemies. Afterone is dead, move behind the pickup and immediately order point fire. Theenemy will run, but hopefully, you'll get him. Move behind the wall with thetree, then move behind the corner of the building in front of you.Now, move to the next corner, which is by the objective.

Now, movebehind the red car next to you. Order suppression fire on the enemy on theroof. After a few seconds, quickly move behind the next red car, behind theback bumper. Again, suppress the enemy, then move right up to the wall thehostile is over.

Once you see a savepoint, it means the enemy left and thatthis area is safe. Forget the savepoint for now, just go to the objective.Now, when you are at a fork, take cover behind the right corner. When you seean enemy, frag him, then move behind the wall where he was and order pointfire on the gunner to kill him.

Now, move both Alpha and Bravo to thesavepoint and save.Now move Bravo back to the fork. This time, make a left, and look around theleft corner. An enemy will hide behind a car. Switch to Alpha, and move themright at the fork. Move them to the objective, but nothing will happen. Sotake cover behind the building that the soldiers are in front of. Order pointfire on the enemy, who is now without cover, and watch him die.

After he'sdead, the objective will activate. Watch the scene, then move both teams tothe savepoint and save.Move Alpha to the alley opposite the savepoint, the only place you haven'tbeen. Continue down the alley, and when it turns, take cover behind the cornerof a building to see an enemy. Run behind the next corner, in theupper right. Order point fire on the enemy.

When he is dead, another willcome. After they die, move both Alpha and Bravo to the savepoint. Save.Now, with Alpha, move back to the alley and continue until you see some boxes.Take cover behind the first one on the right.

An enemy will run. Move to thecorner of the building. The enemy will run again. Move to the table, then,after you've seen the other enemy, go back to behind the corner of thebuilding. Order suppression fire on the enemy.

Eventually, his cover willdegrade, and you'll kill him. Now move to the corner of the building just infront of the table you were using before, just left of the objective, but notacross the alley. You'll see an enemy. Throw a frag at him, and he'll die.After that, hold Y to switch to Charlie team, and go to the objective.Now move both teams to the savepoint and save. Move Alpha out of the area andback to where you destroyed that guy's cover.

Go past the red building, andsave at the next savepoint. O.O Just move to the objective now, no enemies.USE YET ANOTHER SAVEPOINT AND SAVE. Move from dumpster to wall, encountering arunning enemy along the way. Move behind the front bumper of the car, and youwill see the enemy.

Suppress the enemy, then move behind the dumpster so thatyou're still facing forward. He'll run behind a car in front of you. Throw asmoke grenade so that he can't see to the left (your left), then move all theway left behind a wall with a tree on it. Order point fire on the enemyimmediately, and he'll die.Here, you'll see another enemy. Use suppression fire on him. Now move behindthe next tree thing. The enemy will run.

Move to the corner of the buildingyou're next to, then when the corner goes in, go to that corner. You'll see anenemy that looks like he's got cover behind a car, but he really doesn't. Justorder point fire on him to kill him. Move behind the back bumper of the pickuphere. You'll see enemies running, and one will take cover. Ninja arashi free download. Now move behindthe red car, so that your guys are like this:side of carback of car - front of car^place guys hereNow throw a smoke grenade in front of the enemy's feet. Move behind thedumpster and order point fire at the enemy.

He'll go down hard. Move behindthe tree with the wall, just right and forward from the pickup. When you seetwo enemies, order point fire on them, and they'll both go down. Move to yetANOTHER savepoint with Alpha and Bravo, then save.After saving, proceed to the objective with Alpha and Bravo. Your fireteamswill automatically take cover and you'll get a scene. With Alpha, order pointfire on the enemy that approaches without cover. He'll die, but there's stillone left.

Toss a smoke grenade at the enemy, then move to the dumpster, thenbehind the little square wall without a tree. Order point fire on the enemy,then watch him die. Move Alpha back to the sandbags, but not the ones theystarted at, the ones before that.Now switch to Bravo. Throw a frag next to the enemy. Switch toAlpha. Order point fire on the enemy. He's also dead.

Now, switch to Bravo.We're dealing with two enemies behind cover here. Throw a smoke grenade at theenemy to your right. Move behind the dumpster and order point fire at him.One left. Throw a frag over the pickup and at the enemy. Now go to theobjective and you're done.Mission Success.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=CHAPTER 3 COMPLETE!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(08)=-=-=-=-=Chapter 4-=-=-=-=-Move Bravo behind the pickup to the right. Switch to Alpha and move them deadahead behind the box, and look around the right corner. You'll see two enemiestake cover.

Move behind the front bumper of the car to your right. The targetswill run for more cover. Move behind the box in front of you. After an enemyruns for a different cover point, order suppression fire on both enemies, andswitch to Bravo. First, go behind the dumpster, then behind the boxes ahead ofthe dumpster like this:.