Jelly Car Mechanic Simulator
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 or CMS 2018 is a small indie project with the long history that was released on July 28, 2017. Simulators are getting more and more popular. If you open Steam’s hottest games, you will easily get a bunch of potentially interesting projects where being someone is the main mechanics. Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 Cheats Gives Infinite Money, Exp And More. Publisher Playway S.A and Developer Red Dot Games have released their latest game titled Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. It is a sequel to the 2015 Car Mechanic and has almost the similar gameplay but it comes new tons of new content.
About This Game New cars, new tools, new options, more parts and much more fun in the next version of Car Mechanic Simulator! Take your wrench!Create and expand your auto repairs service empire. Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 will take you behind the scenes of daily routine in car workshop.Take on the role of the car mechanic and repair cars for your clients. Spend the earned money on expanding your workshop and improving your skills.
Buy worn out cars, renovate them and sell with profit or become a famous car collector. If you manage your business well, you will surely succeed in the market. Car RepairsThe essence of the game.
It is your job. It is the way you get cash. It is the way you live. Ok, it is maybe not that important, anyway that is the basic activity in the game. Customer comes in and mysteriously says that his car is broken but he needs it for tomorrow.
The clock starts right now. Mission systemJobs are generated randomly so you'll have to choose on which car you will work. It seems like there is a group of customers waiting in front of the workshop for the mechanic.Additionally you can take limited amount of jobs in the same time and every one of them is time-restricted. With different difficulty and complexity levels and of course, different payment levels, wise management is the key here. Workshop managementAfter whole day of hard work it is time to count your cash and then look around your business.
Sinistar cockpit. What should I buy to improve my performance? What would attract more clients? You can always just buy more posters on the wall but it is not something called 'great investment' for such a serious business, right? Car auctionsSpeaking of investments.There is a chance for making even more money in the car auction house.
Choose wisely, buy used or old cars and renovate them to sell with profit. Or, if you are one of those vintage car lovers, you can have your own collection. Car ModelsCars are fully dismountable to the car frame with amazing level of detail. Every car is made of more than 200 interactive parts, which includes an interior, a car body and the whole engine.

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We can guarantee that you will not be disappointed and you will visit our website again to download more content.Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is the third edition of the series, where we take the role of the owner of a car workshop. As an owner of the company, our job is to gather as much money as we can by fixing clients cars. The gameplay in Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is surprisingly good and there are a lot of options, where we can do with cars almost everything. Besides fixing them, we can do a makeover to make them look even cooler. Also, if you do a great job, the customers will recommend your workshop to other people, so it is important to do everything you can to satisfy your customers. Red Dot Games is the studio that is responsible for this production and they released many games about cars.
That is why if you are a fan of those productions, you will definitely love this title.That’s all we’ve prepared for you this time. We are more than delighted that you chose games-download24.com and our Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 Download PC for your source of fresh games. If there is something we didn’t mention or you want to know more about our product, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to provide you all the necessary information regarding Car Mechanic Simulator.
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