Just Cause 4 Reloaded Review
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Just Cause 4 review. Avalanche's latest has enough new hooks and tethers to keep up the adrenaline just. Pick up your Just Cause 4: Reloaded Edition copy from Green Man Gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price.
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To see previous AMAs,. I'm a bit confused as of what's going on with the game. I've read/watched through several reviews and most of them are saying that it's a solid, fun game. Not perfect by any means but they're basically saying that if you loved Just Cause 3, you're going to love Just Cause 4, because it's more of the same, just everything slightly improved and of course some new features.But the steam reviews and the Just Cause reddit speak a whole other language. People are being upset, saying that the graphics have actually been downgraded (or are bugging?). The playtest-copies that the reviewers had didn't seem to have any issues in this regard. The Just Cause reddit is outright furious right now, blaming the developers for ignoring all the outrage, bugs, graphical errors and much more.The game is currently sitting at a mostly negative 36% Rating on Steam, which is pretty horrible.
I'd like to know: What's going on? Why are the review sites giving this game scores around a 7/10, but the players seem to hate it?. Basically unlimited power from the get-goDid we play the same game?JC3 locked every upgrade behind challenges.
You had minimal tools, which to me, is exactly why the game grew boring quite quickly. The game drip-feeds content to you hard and extremely slowly.' From the get-go' Is never a phrase i'd use describing JC3. It's the epitome of locking every single thing behind 'do this and do that'.
Worse than a damn Ubisoft game of old with its towers.Unlimited power is a change in the series? I seriously have to question if you've played any game in the series.Challenging and powerless aren't words i'd use to describe any Just Cause game. Nevermind that unlimited power and unchallenging is exactly how i'd describe every entry in the series.They're easy as fuck and they're designed that way.
You're basically unkillable in every JC game.I swear people just upvote anything whether it's factual or not. People could say JC3 was a letdown because the story sucked in comparison to JC2 and anyone who has actually played the series knows nobody actually give a flying fuck about the story in the games, including the devs.I never thought i'd hear someone complain that JC3 was unchallenging and that's why it was bad. As if JC2 was challenging and not the same power-trip.I'm sorry, but i'm honestly shocked your comment is upvoted because it doesn't ring true at all to any game in the series, let alone JC3. Unless you take out every word outside of repetitive I guess. I see what you did there but, I don't know if that's true. I'd argue it kind of comes with the territory.
The series is inspired by camp spy fiction. Saying it is poor narratively is akin to complaining that the setting of Farcry: Blood Dragon was hard to take seriously, or that Pong is boring because you can really only go two ways. The player strength is at the very core of the power fantasy they're trying to evoke.If you see a core point of the series as a negative then the series might just not be for you. I didn't say that it was.It's also entirely beside the point. I'm not making excuses for Just Cause' flaws, of which there are plenty, in the series as a whole.The point, however, was that all of those negatives existed in previous Just Cause games.Which makes those reasons of unchallenging, easy and poor narratively, silly reasons to dislike only one of those games and not both of them.My point is exactly what you said.In none of those ways is it any different from previous entries in the series. Treating it like it is some wild departure makes me feel like the original commenter didn't actually play the game. It's not silly to dislike a game because of those reasons.It's silly to dislike one game in a series that has been plagued by those issues throughout each entry.You can dislike Just Cause for it's bad writing or whatever else.
I'm not denying it has bad writing, bad story, whatever.None of that is the issue.The issue is pretending that those issues only existed in one of the games.The issue is saying that JC3 was that you had unlimited power in JC3 from the get-go, when in reality most of the game was locked behind collectathons, racing, challenges and other missions.So describing JC3 as an easy game while a valid criticism, and a bad narrative again, perfectly valid those criticism hold true for every game in the series. Mind you, this doesn't excuse them from being issues.The problem lies with the comment I responded to, which reported these issues like they were unique to Just Cause 3. That these things weren't problems in Just Cause 2. That is the part of the original comment I took issue with. Not the legitmacy or validity of most of the claims.Does that explain it any better?. Big empty-feeling world.It was the same size as JC2's world, but the fatal flaw was that it was so spread out. In Just Cause 2, you could reach every major part of the map in a car (or, more accurately, a motorcycle); you only needed boats/aircraft to reach extra goodies, oil rigs, and whatnot.

In Just Cause 3, most of the islands are separated by vast stretches of ocean, which breaks up the flow and makes it more of a chore to traverse, especially since one of the best aspects of JC2 is just driving along enjoying the scenery. This could have been assuaged if there was more of a nautical focus in JC3— piracy, underwater exploration, dogfights up above, many more oil rigs and constructs. But there was just. JC2's graphics still hold up to me, so the world still looked good even though it was pretty damn empty as well (again, you can blame the limitations of 2010-era hardware). For games released in 2015 and 2018 respectively, JC3 and JC4 shouldn't feel just as empty, if not emptier than JC2. There's also the problem of lacking a major urban biome. JC2's Panau City was big and white and had a lot of 'copy-pasting' issues, but I still enjoyed it and the few other cities you could find.
You can unlock up to 16 different bikes. As the rider, your primary objective is to score as many points as you can by performing stunts such as flips, jumps, and other extreme moves.
It actually completed the overall world for me. JC3 dropped the ball by reducing the number of cities to '1', and the largest/only city was barely half the size of a single district of Panau City. What's worse, it felt even more lifeless than Panau City, so it wasn't even a case of 'smaller but denser.' Just Cause 4 went the JC3 route. There are two cities, but they are both small and uninteresting.What's sad is that I still liked Just Cause 3's concept— a Mediterranean-style world based heavily on Medi-Spain, Italy, Corsica, Crete, and Greece? Rolling hills and huge cliffs?
It should have been awesome!I don't know, it just felt so much more complete in Panau.Basically unlimited power from the get-go.If you unlocked everything from the get-go, sure. Maybe that's what you meant? A lot of games try attaching unlocking all abilities to the progression of the main story, but you could pretty much unlock everything in JC3 before playing a single story mission if you wanted. Not that it was really easy with those bullshit Superman 64-loving 'glide through hoops within a time limit' missions.Nothing I did felt important.Because you didn't meaningfully unlock anything since, as mentioned, player upgrades weren't tied to story progression. Another missed opportunity was not making strongholds a dynamic struggle— in JC3 and 4 alike, once you unlock a stronghold, that's it.
You just have it now. You never have to defend it. Considering we're supposed to be causing havoc and civil war in a totalitarian society, that feels weak. In JC2, there was the same problem at hand, but at least you could blame it on limitations of the systems of the time. There's supposed to be an insurgency going on, but it never feels like it.
It would have been so much more fun if you had to defend the strongholds you take, if there was a chance that you could lose them (or even see some strongholds fall organically to other rebels). It would almost feel like an RTS in the form of a third person action game. That's actually what I thought they were going to try with Just Cause 3 because it seemed like such a natural progression considering what they were trying to do in Just Cause 2, but it never happened. Big empty-feeling world. Basically unlimited power from the get-go. Nothing I did felt important.
The explosions looked cool I guess? But everything was very repetitive and unchallenging.Funny, this describes JC2 for me. It was a very big, but empty world that got old really quick, like those shitty liberation missions were so boring, and the gunplay has always been bad.
I never felt like the game encouraged me enough to do crazy stuff because a lot of the missions just dumped you in boring combat scenarios with little verticality and a small mission area, like a base just full of goons and that's it. The game's best missions were when you were meant to take out a target by chasing them throughout the streets, so you could take them out in cool ways with the tether or some shit like that. I felt like the game never really got all that creative until I got a bullet-time cheat after I beat the game, and I had a lot more fun doing crazy stunts after that, because otherwise it was really hard to get creative with all of those boring base missions.Turns out that maybe the JC franchise in general has always had these problems or something. I never picked up JC3 though because I saw that it locked behind cool gadgets behind 'drive through rings' which bores me to death, so I don't think 'unlimited power' is a bad thing for this game, heck, I would prefer if these games gave out all the toys from the start, or at least made getting new abilities fun.