Definition of sacrifice to in the Idioms Dictionary. Sacrifice to phrase. Railroad tycoon 2 platinum goodwill. What does sacrifice to expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. He sacrificed a lot of career opportunities to follow his dream of moving to Japan. I sacrificed the best years of my life to raise you kids! See also: sacrifice, something.

'Sacrificed Sons' is the seventh song from Dream Theater's album Octavarium. Written by vocalist James LaBrie (lyrics) and the entire band (music), the song is about the attacks on the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. The song starts with unintelligible chattering by foreigners, an effect which carried from the previous track, 'Never Enough'. For the next minute or so, actual footage from the 9/11 newscasts are heard, which are broken up by static noises, meant to represent the changing of channels; it is meant to emphasize the constant foota.
A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause. Parents sacrifice time and sleep to take care of their children, while kids might sacrifice TV time to hang out with mom and dad.
Though no longer used only in a religious context, sacrifice comes from the Latin sacra and facere, meaning 'to perform sacred rites.' If you've studied ancient cultures like the Incas, you've probably heard of 'human sacrifice,' where a person is killed in a sacred ceremony to please the gods. But thankfully those kinds of sacrifices don't happen anymore.