Dirty Bomb Config File
↑ 1.0 1.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in /.steam/steam/userdata/ / 333930 / in addition to or instead of this directory. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file:. ShooterGame Config ShooterLightmass.ini.
Is there a potato config to help boost FPS that still works, or any other non-ingame-setting changes that can boost FPS. Currently I’m having extreme FPS drops, about every second from 60 to 40. Literally every second (also I have another issue where my FPS seems to be capped at 60, but if I change my aspect ratio to something different, so that everything is a weird ratio and size, the cap is seemingly removed). Battleborn characters. In the past I could get a stable 100+ FPS. I play on a HP Pavilion Laptop, and according to ‘Can I run it’ my laptop should run the game fine on regular settings (I admit I don’t know much about gaming on PCs/laptops).
Any help with fixing this issue or methods of increasing FPS would be very helpful. There isn't anything special you can do with config files anymore to increase FPS that can't be done via the settings menu.
If your framerate seems to be capped at 60 then it's probably a vsync issue, since your laptop will have a 60hz screen. Make sure vsync is disabled on the game's settings menu. If it already is, check to see if you have any graphics driver software that is forcing vsync on at a particular resolution and disable it.If your laptop has an Intel graphics chip in addition to a separate graphics card, make sure it is using the graphics card to run the game.
Also try changing between DirectX9 and DirectX11 to see if it makes any difference. If you're on a laptop then you probably want it as high as it will go anyway. It may make sense to cap it to reduce big framerate fluctuations or reduce tearing though. To do this, open ShooterEngine.ini in C:Users(yourname)DocumentsMy GamesUnrealEngine3ShooterGameConfig.Find bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE and change it to TRUE. Then set MinSmoothedFrameRate and MaxSmoothedFrameRate to whatever cap you want. After you have made your changes and saved ShooterEngine.ini, you may have to set it to read only to prevent the game from overwriting it.
Newport;29368:Not to sound rude, but what exactly is the need or want for this?A good config can bump up your FPS to a steady 120+(or much higher). Helps some players a lot and it at least lets them feel like they are getting an edge by not just running on the default medium/low settings.I am using a config that a clanmate shared and I personally less of an affect from FPS drops and the game feels smoother.Normally you have to edit the.ini file to make the changes(or just outright replace it). The GUI option that this provides will just make it easier/less technical for people. Ardez;29370:quote=“Newport;29368”Not to sound rude, but what exactly is the need or want for this?A good config can bump up your FPS to a steady 120+(or much higher). Helps some players a lot and it at least lets them feel like they are getting an edge by not just running on the default medium/low settings.I am using a config that a clanmate shared and I personally less of an affect from FPS drops and the game feels smoother.Normally you have to edit the.ini file to make the changes(or just outright replace it). The GUI option that this provides will just make it easier/less technical for people./quoteThank you, no more details to add.Just to be on point, because of the U3 Engine, The Game doesn’t need that much of a Performance-Machine. But also people like to have some “visual” advantage because of blured textures etc.
There are a lot out there.I just tried to make it “easy”, more work to do, i know - working on AutoUpdate and just adding Mouseovers to explain each Setting. Newport;29378:quote=“Ardez;29370”quote=“Newport;29368”Not to sound rude, but what exactly is the need or want for this?A good config can bump up your FPS to a steady 120+(or much higher). Helps some players a lot and it at least lets them feel like they are getting an edge by not just running on the default medium/low settings./quoteIs this config that was shared to you available, or is this editor trust worthy./quoteWell this is the first post ever by the person who is sharing the editor. So I dunno that one.
I won’t be downloading it because my config is fine as is I think.The config I am using is uploaded to my clans TS3 file browser. Anybody who signs into the TS3 should be able to download it.EDIT: First post on this site. Newport;29378:quote=“Ardez;29370”quote=“Newport;29368”Not to sound rude, but what exactly is the need or want for this?A good config can bump up your FPS to a steady 120+(or much higher). Helps some players a lot and it at least lets them feel like they are getting an edge by not just running on the default medium/low settings./quoteIs this config that was shared to you available, or is this editor trust worthy./quoteI’m got refferences Download up to millions and got also mentioned at PCGames and some other Magazines (mostly german magazines), So i would say, you can trust.Also the Tool itself doesn’t changes anything it just loads YOUR current configuration and you can edit it. There are 220+ Settings to change and adjust by trying.Always backup is recommend.You can also replace your Config with another one you downloaded online and start the Tool to check the Settings they made.
Newport;29397:It’s clean, unchecked some notable settings, limited fps, and all seems to be legitimate.Oh I have no doubt it does what it says it does. But that doesn’t mean it’s not doing something else on the side that won’t show up on a virus scan because it’s not.Like I said, I’m sure it’s fine, but you have to be aware of the possibility of things like that. There’s nothing stopping anyone making something like this that also uploads your firefox userprofile passwords somewhere on the side.
(Remember kids, encrypt your passwords!). Ghosthree3;29403:quote=“Newport;29397”It’s clean, unchecked some notable settings, limited fps, and all seems to be legitimate.Oh I have no doubt it does what it says it does.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not doing something else on the side that won’t show up on a virus scan because it’s not.Like I said, I’m sure it’s fine, but you have to be aware of the possibility of things like that. There’s nothing stopping anyone making something like this that also uploads your firefox userprofile passwords somewhere on the side. (Remember kids, encrypt your passwords!)/quoteYes it’s a shame EVERYONE(!) MUST handle it like you say.
And yes you are right, everyone should check. Something you can do, is checking with a Sniff to see if it’s phoning anywhere, but it won’t because there is no reason to. The ONLY thing it directly touches in case of something like an URL is the Steam Launch command.