Legend Of Faerghail
The story of the adventurers being approached at the inn by a foreigner telling them that the king looks for brave adventurers, is hardly orginal even for 1990. The king tells about the evil that threatens the land with vile orcs and ogres that invade and the elves that mysteriously has turned against humans. He needs the military support of his neighbour county to repell the attacks and win time to find a solution.
Legend of Faerghail. From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games. Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Legend of Faerghail here on GameSpot.
The task is given to you to find out what has happened to the land and who is behind it at but first you must request support from the other county. During gameplay there are very few references to the actual story. The only thing that actually links part of the story together is scrolls you find which either contains very sparse background information about the evil Balaan and his allies or describe the particular powerful weapons that exists. There are no NPC:s to talk with and no dialogues.
Still it is enough to build a game like this on the info that actually exists but keep in mind its on the same level as a ordinary Bard´s Tale adventure.The gameworld spans two wilderness areas with some different places to visit. Each of them is really different from eachother in terms of graphics and encounters. The gameworld is not large and there is no risk you will get lost. But that is a good thing because in a game like Abandoned Places 2 the outdoor areas where large but very empty instead.
Here you could quite fast travel between different locations.Rating: 1.5. Economy in this game works pretty well in the beginning. The start of the game is the hardest part. You have to survive at least until your second level before daring venturing on any longer quest.
You will have to gather as much gold as you can since raising in levels costs money you don´t simply have. You will not get much money by fighing random encounters in the wilderness. You have to enter a complex in search for chests filled with gold.
After you begin to handle yourself at level 3 and upwards money becomes less of an issue and soon after that you will have as much as you need and could fill the bank. This makes the game unbalanced. The emporium in town have a lot of different weapons and armours but you cannot buy any magical equipment and all special items you find will be better than the stock items.
The problem with the game is that it resets every complex when you exit so you could return back and plunder the same gold chests again or get the special items again and again. It´s up to you to misuse this system or not but it makes the game much easier. On the other hand it prevents you from being locked out to solve the game if you by mistake drop or loose an important quest item. Anyway, the emporium is just for selling stuff and that is a pity.There is a lot of items in the game. Many weapons and armour pieces. You won´t know their effect until you try them out. Armours is easy since you will see your defense rise when equipped but weapons damage must be closely watched in order to decide anything.
As always the only good hint is to use the most expensive item all the time. There are no NPC:s in the game worth mentioning and the few there are (like the elven king, sage at the oracle, temple monk etc) could not be spoken to.
They just have their saying. There are also very few places in which you must interact with the environment. The few places that do require your effort are often worth it though, like using the mirrorshield or holy water to get across heat or invisible forcefields or having to remove all equipment to be able to wade through a pool.
Nigh is an old-fashioned word that can be used as an adjective or adverb to mean near or nearly. Something that is nigh impossible — like knitting a sweater in one night — will be very difficult to accomplish. The end is nigh.' It's most common to use nigh today when you're trying to sound poetic or referencing the archaic or biblical. The End Is Nigh was an annual British fanzine edited by Michael Molcher.It was launched at the Bristol Comic Expo in 2005 and, since becoming a semi-annual publication, each subsequent issue is also launched there. It deals with the End of the World, each issue dealing with differently themed Apocalypses.The contents range from articles to sequential art, with contributors drawn from both. The end is nigh definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'night',neigh',nights',nighty', Reverso dictionary, English definition, English vocabulary. The time is nigh quote. Nigh definition: If an event is nigh, it will happen very soon. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Log In Dictionary. But now the end is nigh. The Sun (2017) A single setback can seem like the end is nigh. Times, Sunday Times (2016) If you have to pay TWO of them it becomes nigh on impossible. The phrase 'The End is Nigh' derives from a man who could often be seen walking up and down London's Oxford Street wearing a sandwich board bearing the phrase. The meaning was purely religious - he was warning of the 'impending' Christian vision of Apocalypse - but the phrase has since entered the popular consciousness as a slightly derogatory.
It´s mostly in the latter part of the game in which you will have the opportunity to interact with the gameworld. There are a lot of places in which you have to use found keys though. Combat is generally not too hard in the game. When you reach level 4 you could practically fight against any creature. The good thing is that you could partially fight creatures and when you are severily injured you could retreat from combat and still get experience from it. It is always guaranteed success to withdraw from combat.
That makes the game too easy in my opinion, because you don´t have to fight any creature in the game in order to succeed actually. Well, you need some hitpoints to resist traps and the dragons breathing in the end, but that is about it. Not that it would be very fun without the combat but you don´t need to. Sometimes I fought monsters just to get rid of them harassing me in the dungeons and hinder my movement. Monsters don´t respawn as far as I can tell. ManualThe original manual was ringbound and very well layed out. It is pretty thick and covers easily over 50 pages.
It is filled with facts but written in easy manner. Not without humor. The spell section are really well done and the descriptions enjoyable to read. This manual is one of the best I have seen for an RPG of this time. It also contaings parts of maps that are referenced during the game in scrolls and shows hidden doors and other stuff. If I don´t give this my highest rating I don´t know what will get it.Rating: 5Graphics, sound and Interface.
But this game probably sports the best and fastest interface I have yet to seen in a RPG in this genre. Every choice has a keyboard shortcut and the interface is extremely fast and responsive.
Quick combats could be done and over with in 3 seconds and you still have full control during that time. Combat layout and overview is perfectly laid out and give you all information you need. You don´t need to go through each and every characters action sequentially. You see all party members at once and just select the one you wish to give an order. The default settings is attack or defend and it remembers all actions from the previous round.
Firstly, I have seen some people complaining about the frequency of random encounters. There are a lot of random encounters but not as much as in the Bard´s Tale series and - most important - they are not respawning. If you clear all monsters out from a complex you could run around freely and you even see them on the screen so they move around in realtime by their ghostly silhouette. If you don´t fight them though they could be really annoying and forcing an encounter at almost every step until you get out of their domain. That could be irritating and many times I have fought monsters just to clear my path. Secondly, the system does not remember anything from your previous visit in a complex, so even if you have already taken all gold and magical items they will be back again if you get out and reeenter.
That don´t hold for levels within a complex only for reentering from the wilderness. The only good thing about this - and I mean only - is that you will not risk getting stuck because you have dropped an quest item by mistake. But otherwhise this system opens up for misuse and cheating if you have the patience. Perhaps it is impossible to reach the higher levels with this system?
But then the developers could have implemented some respawning. Thirdly and last, there are not a single fight in the game in which you are forced to fight if you are not prepared. You could always withdraw from combat. You might be harassed and annoyed while walking afterwards but you will survive and resting is almost always without any danger as long as you choose a guard.
This makes the game too easy. Not that it is fun avoiding all the fights in the game in the first place, but it could be done. There are a few places in which you will have to fight to get a certain item but only when you yourself are ready for it.
If I could change something I would add much higher risk of being attacked while resting because rest you will have too. That at least would force you to either use your potions (I have never used any) or be more cautious. But the combination of a complex both being reset when revisited and that you could run from every fight is not a good gaming balance. That the game is too easy combatwise is its weakest spot. If you really like a challenge and housekeeping your resources all the steps this game is not for you. This makes it very different from Wizardry VII for example.Other than that the graphics and sound really add to the atmosphere, it is very rewarding to raise in levels and improve you characters and the environments and monster types are well varied.
There are a lot of different items and you will spend good time with optimising your characters. The system is quite advanced with weapons and armours that could break during combat, while resting your watch may fall asleep and either you will be surprised by monsters or find that part of your equipment has been stolen. It is small things like this that makes Legend of Faerghail stand out from its competition.
Legend of Faerghail is role-playing game with an interface similar to that of the Bard´s Tale Series or Dragon Wars, although it is a little more complex.You can create a party of six members and then try to stop a crusade of slaughter of the elvish race, that has been corrupted by an unspeakable evil. The game is played across 8 large dungeons with over 1000 rooms each, with 80 different foes in total. The game is very complex and therefore intended for an experienced player only.Legend of Faerghail was one of the most complex RPGs of the old days. With 6 magical classes, about 300 spells and the possibility of your weapons breaking in battle requiring a smith to keep them in top-shape (which was totally new at this time) you have to have a close eye on character-development. The game also is very big and - another new thing - it runs in realtime (which requires a slowdown-app on newer computers - I have attached one along with a setting that worked for me).The story itself evolves around an uprising of elves in Thynn and a party of six adventurers (guess who.) being sent to investigate the matter. The gameplay very much reminds of the Bard's Tale series and you can also import characters from the first two parts, you can also import characters from Phantasie I and III, but I have to be honest and say I don't REALLY see the logic in that, I might miss a point there, but there seems to be a missing link somewhere.
Anyway - if you like to sink into a well outlined fantasy world with a good story and some nice ideas that were only commonly implemented into RPGs years later (which also explains why not everything works that perfect yet) you can really have some fun with this game. Like in so many cases Legend of Faerghail is not suited for those who are looking for eye-candy. Even for 1990 the graphics are weak - might be a sacrifice to the complex game-engine.Another great roleplay game. You start be creating your characters. You can choose between many different races, classes, skills and much more. But in this game you don't have to create characters until you can't have anymore in your party. Because you can have any - yes any - in your party as long as you can convince them to join your party.The game features many different ruins, dungeons and castles that you can explore.
You can find many treasures, potions, spells and magic items. Not only does the game offer many things like equipment, but there are also many monsters and enemies in the game including many different animals.When you start the game you don't really get any story, but sooner or later you will find about what the game is about especially when you solve some of the small quests in the game.A fun, detailed European RPG that could easily be the precursor of the classic complex RPG Blades of Destiny in its solid database of monsters, NPCs, weapons, and numerous quests. Combat model is also excellent, harking back to the Bard's Tale series where different classes have distinctive choices in combat. This game is certainly on many Amiga gamers' list of best-loved games of all time.