Morphite Stone
This stone supports weight loss, pain relief, blood disorders, the heart, cellular memory and cellular structures. It helps genital herpes, warts, ulcerative conditions,.
Contents.Etymology The name 'beryl' is derived (via: beryllus,: beryl, and: beril) from βήρυλλος beryllos which referred to a 'precious blue-green color-of-sea-water stone'; akin to verulia, veluriya ('beryl'). The term was later adopted for the mineral beryl more exclusively.When the first eyeglasses were constructed in 13th century Italy, the lenses were made of beryl (or of ) as glass could not be made clear enough. Consequently, glasses were named Brillen in German ( bril in Dutch and Briller in Danish).Deposits Beryl of various colors is found most commonly in, but also occurs in in the, and in. Beryl is often associated with and ore bodies. Beryl is found in Europe in, (especially morganite), and, as well as, Colombia, the,. US beryl locations are in, and.' S have produced some of the largest beryls found, including one massive crystal from the in with dimensions 5.5 by 1.2 m (18.0 by 3.9 ft) with a mass of around 18; it is New Hampshire's state mineral.
As of 1999, the world's largest known naturally occurring crystal of any mineral is a crystal of beryl from Malakialina, Madagascar, 18 m (59 ft) long and 3.5 m (11 ft) in diameter, and weighing 380,000 kg (840,000 lb). Crystal habit and structure. Beryl crystal structure with view down C axisBeryl belongs to the.
Normally Beryl forms hexagonal columns but can also occur in massive habits. As a beryl incorporates rings of silicate tetrahedra of Si6O18 that are arranged in columns along the C axis and as parallel layers perpendicular to the C axis, forming channels along the C axis. These channels permit a variety of ions, neutral atoms, and molecules to be incorporated into the crystal thus disrupting the overall charge of the crystal permitting further substitutions in, and sites in the crystal structure. These impurities give rise to the variety of colors of beryl that can be found.
Increasing alkali content within the silicate ring channels causes increases to the. Human health impact. AquamarineAquamarine (from: aqua marina, ' ) is a blue or variety of beryl.
It occurs at most localities which yield ordinary beryl. The gem-gravel deposits of contain aquamarine. Green-yellow beryl, such as that occurring in Brazil, is sometimes called chrysolite aquamarine. The deep blue version of aquamarine is called maxixe. Maxixe is commonly found in the country of Madagascar.
Its color fades to white when exposed to sunlight or is subjected to heat treatment, though the color returns with irradiation. Faceted aquamarineThe pale blue color of aquamarine is attributed to Fe 2+. Fe 3+ ions produce golden-yellow color, and when both Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ are present, the color is a darker blue as in maxixe. Decoloration of maxixe by light or heat thus may be due to the charge transfer between Fe 3+ and Fe 2+.
Dark-blue maxixe color can be produced in green, pink or yellow beryl by irradiating it with high-energy particles (, or even ).In the United States, aquamarines can be found at the summit of in the in central Colorado. In, aquamarine has been discovered in the, near. Another location within the United States is the near, although the minerals are within a wilderness area which prevents collecting. In Brazil, there are mines in the states of, and, and minorly in. The mines of Colombia, Zambia, Madagascar, and also produce aquamarine.The largest aquamarine of gemstone quality ever mined was found in Marambaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1910. It weighed over 110 kg (243 lb), and its dimensions were 48.5 cm (19 in) long and 42 cm ( 16 1⁄ 2 in) in diameter. ( p) The largest cut aquamarine gem is the, now housed in the 's.The ancient Romans believed that aquamarine would protect against any dangers while travelling at sea, and that it provided energy and cured laziness.
Faceted emerald, 1.07ct, ColombiaEmeralds in antiquity were mined by the and in what is now, as well as in contemporary. A rare type of emerald known as a is occasionally found in the mines of.
A trapiche emerald exhibits a 'star' pattern; it has raylike spokes of dark carbon impurities that give the emerald a six-pointed radial pattern. It is named for the, a grinding wheel used to process in the region. Are generally the most prized due to their transparency and fire. Some of the rarest emeralds come from the two main emerald belts in the of the Colombian: west of the, and to the east. Fine emeralds are also found in other countries, such as,. In the US, emeralds can be found in. In 1998, emeralds were discovered in.Emerald is a rare and valuable gemstone and, as such, it has provided the for developing synthetic emeralds.
Both hydrothermal and flux-growth synthetics have been produced. The first commercially successful emerald synthesis process was that of Carroll Chatham. The other large producer of flux emeralds was Pierre Gilson Sr., which has been on the market since 1964. Gilson's emeralds are usually grown on natural colorless beryl seeds which become coated on both sides. Ballistic overkill pc. Growth occurs at the rate of 1 millimetre (0.039 in) per month, a typical seven-month growth run producing emerald crystals of 7 mm of thickness.
The green color of emeralds is widely attributed to presence of Cr 3+ ions. Intensely green beryls from Brazil, Zimbabwe and elsewhere in which the color is attributed to have also been sold and certified as emeralds. Golden beryl and heliodor. Faceted goshenite, 1.88 ct, BrazilColorless beryl is called goshenite. The name originates from, where it was originally discovered.
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In the past, goshenite was used for manufacturing eyeglasses and lenses owing to its transparency. Nowadays, it is most commonly used for gemstone purposes.The gem value of goshenite is relatively low. However, goshenite can be colored yellow, green, pink, blue and in intermediate colors by irradiating it with high-energy particles. The resulting color depends on the content of Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Fe, and Co impurities. Faceted morganite, 2.01 ct, BrazilMorganite, also known as 'pink beryl', 'rose beryl' 'pink emerald' (which is not a legal term according to the new Federal Trade Commission Guidelines and Regulations), and 'cesian (or caesian) beryl', is a rare light pink to rose-colored -quality variety of beryl. Orange/yellow varieties of morganite can also be found, and color banding is common. It can be routinely heat treated to remove patches of yellow and is occasionally treated by irradiation to improve its color.
The pink color of morganite is attributed to Mn 2+ ions.Pink beryl of fine color and good sizes was first discovered on an island off the coast of Madagascar in 1910. It was also known, with other gemstone minerals, such as and, at. In December 1910, the named the pink variety of beryl 'morganite' after financier.On October 7, 1989, one of the largest gem morganite specimens ever uncovered, eventually called 'The Rose of Maine', was found at the Bennett Quarry in Buckfield, US. The crystal, originally somewhat orange in hue, was 23 cm (9 in) long and about 30 cm (12 in) across, and weighed (along with its matrix) just over 50 pounds (23 kg). Red berylRed beryl (formerly known as 'bixbite' and marketed as 'red emerald' or 'scarlet emerald' but note that both latter terms involving 'Emerald' terminology are now prohibited in the United States under Federal Trade Commission Regulations) is a red variety of beryl. It was first described in 1904 for an occurrence, its, at Maynard's Claim (Pismire Knolls), Thomas Range,.
The old synonym 'bixbite' is deprecated from the, because of the risk of confusion with the mineral (both were named after the mineralogist ). The dark red color is attributed to Mn 3+ ions. Faceted red beryl, 0.56 ct, Utah USRed beryl is very rare and has been reported only from a handful of locations:,; and, although the latter locality does not often produce gem grade stones; and Juab County, Utah. The greatest concentration of gem-grade red beryl comes from the Ruby-Violet Claim in the Wah Wah Mountains of mid-western Utah, discovered in 1958 by Lamar Hodges, of, while he was prospecting for. Red beryl has been known to be confused with, a analog of beryl, that has been found in Madagascar and more recently Afghanistan; cut gems of the two varieties can be distinguished from their difference in, and rough crystals can be easily distinguished by differing crystal systems (pezzottaite trigonal, red beryl hexagonal).
Synthetic red beryl is also produced. Like emerald and unlike most other varieties of beryl, red beryl is usually highly included.While gem beryls are ordinarily found in pegmatites and certain metamorphic stones, red beryl occurs in topaz-bearing.
It is formed by crystallizing under low pressure and high temperature from a pneumatolytic phase along fractures or within near-surface of the rhyolite. Associated minerals include bixbyite,.
Set in a distant future where humanity has colonized the far reaches of space, Morphite follows the story of Myrah Kale, a young woman whose life takes a sudden turn when a simple mission develops into an epic interstellar journey revealing her mysterious past and relation to a coveted substance called Morphite.Myrah will voyage to the furthest corners of space and explore uncharted procedurally-generated planets, each with diverse landscapes and teeming with exotic flora and fauna. With the help of a scanner, Myrah will sell biological information for ship, suit and weapon upgrades.Inside Myrah’s vessel, players will engage in random encounters with real-time space combat, trade with other travelers across the galaxy and navigate outer space with Morphite’s easy-to-use Starmap system.Features:● Procedurally generated universe: Morphite features an infinite number of generated planets to discover, all with their own flora and fauna. Besides their individual beauty, visiting planets will prove vital for gathering resources, researching creatures, and gaining skills towards strengthening your character.● Platforming: Morphite will feature platforming elements in order to explore new landscapes and structures.
This is designed with the same mindset as other classic platforms: to be fun and intuitive, even within first and third person views.● Research and exploration: There is a heavy emphasis on discovery. While players are free to battle every creature they find (many of which are hostile), they can optionally choose to simply scan each creature to gain vital data to sell later.● Planet and spacecraft combat: While discovery is paramount, Morphite will also feature hostile environments, creatures, and boss battles. Combat will take place on planets and also in space while piloting a spacecraft. Upgrading your weaponry will be essential to surviving.● Deep single player story: 15 planets are hand crafted and pertain specifically to the plot. These planets will exist for the player to further the story when they are ready.
The main storyline is also fully voiced in English.● Character and ship customization: While planetside, players will be able to locate rare scans to craft new suit abilities. Additionally, players can locate shops and other ships all over the galaxy to upgrade and augment their power suit, ship, and weapons.Show More. Submitted on 9/21/2017 Review title of Gleny GreybeardPoor Man's NMS for XB1No micro tran$action$, no DLC. Single player. A low poly count 'No Man's Sky', minus the hype and promises and few less features. Also a mobile port. If you felt you missed out because you don't own a PS4, this game is for you.
Same idea, has a story. Explore, scan, collect, fight, upgrade.
Okay voice acting, music can be a bit grating at times, budget sound fx. It all works together, though. $15 seems fair. Found a few bugs that halt progress and force you to reload mission checkpoint in hopes it corrects itself.
Submitted on 2/8/2020 Review title of Dr BAMF PhD MMTI really wanted to like this but i just couldntAlot of people are comparing this to 90s DOS games, and they arent wrong. But while i appreciate the polygonal charm of 3.5 disc shareware games as much as the next 80s kid, this game copies the bad parts of those games better than the good. Its main story is somewhat interesting and fully voiced, which i give it points for, but the interface is utter garbage better suited to an atari game than anything made in the past 20 years. You cant see what upgrades you have, and they often dont work, the combat is boring and rigid as hell (when it works) and the bugs are a pervasive epidemic. This one of those textureless low poly no faced character worlds, its a stylistic choice that has been done much better elsewhere.
But here it causes non stop problems with collision detection and graphical errors. The enemy AI is non existent, they just head straight forward and get caught on anything they touch. The game is half finished at best and needs alot of work.