The Cat Lady Walkthrough
Written Walkthrough. Walkthrough by Slanted Fish; pictures by Poptropica Buddies. Welcome to the dystopian world of 24 Carrot Island! (Fun fact: “24 Carrot” is a pun on “24 karat”, meaning gold in its purest form.) Whiskers the cat. The first task is to return a missing cat (Whiskers) to her owner, Charlie.
You can reach that crypt if you speak with Brother Morgan. Promise him that you will take care of the child.
After that he will let you enter another room. There, you can see an undead cat called Buttons. You can convince the cat so it can allow you to speak with the child or you can kill it.Then, you must destroy the Pillars that guard the child.
Speak with him and try to take him out of the hole. You will have to use Persuasion. The only dialog line that works is the one connected to Strength.Warning: If you won't be able to take the child out by using one of your characters then the child won't speak with that character again. If you won't be able to do that four times, you will fail the quest.However, saving the child allows you to teleport it on Lady Vengeance.
This completes the quest.???????? 14,450 experience points.
(There's a great guide in Chinese language here:);)If you haven't played the game at all or have only played a few chapters, I strongly suggest closing this guide and get back to playing ASAP:PThis little guide contains spoilers for you, then. You would miss out on a lot of great stuff, too!Also, you might not get what I'm talking about:PIf, however, you are missing only a couple of achievements and are willing to take the risk of getting your gameplay experience spoiled, please do continue to read:). There are THREE options to get out of the 'lair' of Doctor X in chapter 2. build a spear (1st weapon in order to be able to attack the Doc).
build a mace (2nd weapon in order to be able to attack the Doc). Don't kill the Doc, just get out of there.You can easily collect all the stuff needed, it's rather linear.The only thing you could miss is in the room to the absolute right, with the flickering light;)In order to get both achievements in one playthrough, just save right before killing the Doc, with either weapon:P. The key here is (at least it was for me) to save after every step you make:PWhile doing chapter 4 just normally, do NOT get killed by Gladys, the wife of the pest control man.The thing is, as soon as she sees you, she will kill you.So:.
Save after every step, just in case. Don't just go in the shed, SNEAKPEAK:P. I was surprised by her in the kitchen a couple of times, so save at least before you enter the kitchen and continue to the right - especially when having done a couple of tasks already. Once Gladys is dead, the achievement will pop up:). I've struggled a little myself, to get this one right:PThe folks of figured it out:) Special thanks to, he put the solution out there:)Once in chapter 5, and having reached the moment when you're YOUNG Susan, do the following:. Answer the phone - it's the 'Lover'. Be rude and neglect liking himChoose the following options (THESE MIGHT NOT BE ACURATE, BUT YOU WILL GET IT, WHEN YOU SEE THEM:P):.
'We went to dinner on time. 'It was just lipstick'. 'The kisses (lips??) were like nettles'.Again, these options might not be acurate (help me out here, guys?:P)Once you dump your 'lover' that way, the achievement will pop up:). Originally posted by:. Clear flat 1, 2, 3, and 5. Do the whole babysitter thing in flat 8 and cut the power, etc. After Jesse leaves pick the lock of his flat (7), walk in and pick up the mask, now turn around and leave.
Go to the basement and assemble the dress, go through the cutscene with brian (in flat 6). Now Jesse's apartment will be the only one without an 'X' on your map (aside from Susan/Mitzi's flat). Go to his apartment and use the extension cord.
Get back to flat 1 to plug it in, then back up to check his computer. Whatever you do (and there are a lot of different methods/options here:P), SAVE right before opening the shoe box the old man gives you in chapter 7:PUse this savegame to get back and do the other achievements;)'Scared of Dying' // 'Sacrifice':(Hold tight to your gas mask) // (Give your gas mask to Mitzi)Whatever option you choose, YOU will live.If you keep the mask for yourself, continue and do 'Revenge';)If you give the mask to Mitzi, you can decide between 'A Ruthless Killer' or 'I Care About You'! You have one last chance to save right after you give the mask to Mitzi, which makes this last choice a lot easier;P!!!!' A Ruthless Killer' // 'Revenge':(Let Mitzi kill The Eye of Adam) // (Kill The Eye of Adam yourself)Just either let Mitzi kill the guy already (the room will explode!) or kill him yourself (mentioned above)'I Care About You':(Prevent Mitzi from killing The Eye of Adam)Just talk Mitzi out of it - I believe the chronological order is unimportant, key is that you conclude with a sentence like 'I care about you.' - If you have done everything right, this achievement will pop up:)Another hint:There's this scene in chapter 7, where you go back to the 'Queen of Maggots'.There you will be offered a choice: Blow out the left, the right or no candle.This is especially important, if you're working towards 'A Flower That Bent Towards The Sun' (see there:P). Date:.Hello there good people. Torrent download manager free.
Laffi here.I finally completed the last achievements for The Cat Lady; 'A flower that bent towards the sun'.Because some people are a bit confused about it, here is my order of doing things:Chapter 1: Choose either way. (Join Maggot Queen or not.
Either way works.)Chapter 2: Prove to Liz that you've listened (get at least question 2 and 3 right)Chapter 2: Solve Crow's riddle and get the secret giftChapter 3: Don't have a breakdownChapter 6: Do NOT kill Ivy/Misery in Flat 3Chapter 7: REFUSE to blow out the last candle, when you talk to the Queen of Maggot!Chapter 7: Give gas mask to Mitzy, and do not let her kill The Eye of Adam.Now. I nearly got furious, because the achievement didn't pop up.until later. So just keep calm and patient and it will come after the graveyard.