Spyder Arcade Store
From developer Sumo Digital
Spyder - A First Look - Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade. Save hide report. 100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. No comments yet. Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the apple community. Posted by 2 days ago. Download Spyder and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Save the world with Agent 8 in this Spy-on-The-Wall adventure. Set in a retro universe, British Spy Agency ‘EP-8’ has created Agent 8, the most sophisticated miniature robot spider on earth!
Spyder, Sumo Digital's inventive adventure-puzzler, is this week's Apple Arcade title. It's launching today exclusively for iOS 13, iPad OS, MacOS, and tvOS.
It's a spy thriller with a bit of a twist. Basically, you play as Agent 8, the most sophisticated spider robot on Earth. Despite your incredibly small stature, you're a real force to be reckoned with.
And that's just as well seeing as you happen to be the world's last line of defence against the evil organization known as S.I.N.
Sometimes, the biggest missions call for the smallest heroJump into a retro spy universe as the tiny robot spider, Agent 8Play Spyder on #AppleArcade now: https://t.co/CWxSMI4wBOpic.twitter.com/F8r8CX8S7S— Apple Arcade (@AppleArcade) March 20, 2020
Your creators have kitted you out with a terrific arsenal of retro-futurist gadgets and gizmos. These can be used to traverse the game's environments, escape danger, and hopefully save the day.Exploring the world from the perspective of a tiny spider should be interesting, especially this particular world, packed with all manner of deadly hazards and traps to skilfully deactivate or avoid.
There are panels to cut through, terminals to overload, valves to open, walls to climb on, and plenty of switches to be flipped. It sounds like good fun, seems charming enough, and its high-quality presentation is definitely appealing.
Sumo Digital is of course the studio behind popular titles such as Team Sonic Racing, Crackdown 3, and Little Big Planet 3.
If you quite fancy finding out what it feels like to be a six-legged robot spider tasked with saving the world, you'll find Spyder available for download later today from over on the App Store. You'll need an active Apple Arcade subscription to play, and those go for $4.99 a month or $49.99 for the year.
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Sonic Racing developer Sumo Digital has unveiled its next project - an Apple Arcade exclusive named Spyder, available as part of the subscription from today.
It certainly is a win for both content producers and gamers alike. This seems to be a for PSP games, as developers and publishers attempt to shed a few of the platoform's costs and catch up with the gamer's current preference for direct downloads.Kotaku has Unbound Saga pegged for a PlayStation Store release date of July 16th, so check out our while you're waiting. We expect to see a growing trend where highly anticipated releases such as Unbound Saga will bypass the UMD format and the often challenging retail environment, being instead delivered directly to consumers,' says Vogster director of marketing, Mario Kroll.' Unbound saga (usa) psp. Tracy gave the PSP's adaptation of Vogster's comic Unbound Saga a at GDC this year, when we heard that it would be skipping the PSP's physical media and going straight for a digital distribution.' It avoids an unpopular delivery medium and costly manufacturing, while improving the timing and availability of great content to consumers when they demand it.'
You play as an eight-legged robot sent on secret agent missions. Basically, you're one of Bond's gadgets come alive, in a 3D world inspired by Pixar's The Incredibles.
Spyder looks a mix of puzzling and stealth, as you'd expect from a spy-themed game. You can climb inside buildings, into planes, into space stations. You can climb walls. You can climb on the ceiling. Here's a trailer:
Eurogamer readers with a long memory may have seen Spyder before, under the guise of 8-Legged Project. It was one of several ideas borne out of a Sumo Digital game jam which Martin went to go watch back in summer 2017.
'Spyder takes place in a romanticised alternate 1971, in a golden era of espionage,' Sumo told Eurogamer. 'Players take on the role of an unexpected hero: a spider-like gadget called Agent 8 who's able to infiltrate high-security locations from the depths of the ocean to orbit high above the Earth.'
Here's hoping this one has legs.